Monday, September 11, 2006

A Proud Moment in a Father's Life

I just got off the phone with my 12-year old, more commonly known in blogland as the Bug. He told me that he was on TV a couple days ago.

I asked him what for, and he said that he entered a smelly sneaker contest and took 3rd place.

He comes from a long line of ripe tootsies. My brother "Big Foot" sports size 13 EEE boats that can kill at 50 paces. One summer he was in our travel trailer on a hot day, and I walked in and got knocked on my butt by the wave of funk that blew out the door.

So imagine my pride in discovering the ongoing tradition of putrid and rancid shoes in my son.



At September 12, 2006 7:05 AM, Blogger Jaime said...

I heard about that contest. That's awesome! Way to go Bug! And congrats to the proud papa!

At September 12, 2006 7:52 AM, Blogger Erica Hanks said...

Yea for Jamsie!!!! But....GROSS!

At September 12, 2006 9:09 AM, Blogger Domestic Goddess said...

Too funny! I got one of those in my family too. To protect the innocent, I won't mention which one it is though.

At September 14, 2006 4:57 AM, Blogger Jillian said...


"wave of funk" -- oooo, that's good!!

You have some rancid genes there.

So I'm wondering, since Eric is listed under "Blogging Friends" and I'm listed under "Writer's Blogs," does that mean I'm not your friend?


I.O.U. an email. Soon. Promise.

At September 14, 2006 4:58 AM, Blogger Jillian said...

"Asamjil" That was my word verification.

Sounds like "Yes, I'm Jill" with a thick Mideastern accent.


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