Saturday, December 31, 2005

Just what resolution is it?

Being a computer / printing industry guy, resolution has a few different meanings to me.

In computers and printing it refers to the number of colored dots (pixels) per inch, in life it refers to making oneself better.

So what is the best resolution? There is a different answer in all respects. In computers, (at least on the web) it is 72 DPI (dots per inch), in printing, it is 300 DPI, in life it is 0 SPI (Spots per individual).

When it comes to your new years resolution you resolve to make certain aspects of your life "spot free". The question that must be asked is, "Is this a true resolution, or just a pale illusion?"

Every year resolutions are made, and every year resolutions are not met. What was the point? Do resolutions get made with real intent or merely as a temporary cessation of guilt?

This year I will not make a traditional New Years resolution. This year I have set a serious goal. My goal is to make my business grow strong enough to completely support my family, without the need for me to work at an outside job. This is somewhat ambitious, but this past year my business performed better than any previous year. It improved nearly 40% over last year. It beat our previous record by over $30,000.

Shortly after the end of 2005 business, we will meet and make some calculations as to what level we need to reach in 2006 to allow me to leave my current employment. Early estimates indicate that it will be able to happen. In 2005 we began an aggressive marketing strategy that has paid off in spades. We had only a partial year with it in action, and it breathed new life into several of our previously low selling vendors. In 2006 we will have the full year on this new strategy, and I fully expect and intend to blow this new record we have set in 2005 out beyond Pluto.

The ability to return home and once again be my own boss is something that I greatly desire. I am very much a free spirit, and I do not function well under the thumb of a power-hungry / micro-managing boss. I set high standards for myself in my work, and work very hard to do the best work I can.

This year just what resolution will your New Year's Resolution be?

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At December 31, 2005 10:46 AM, Blogger eph2810 said...

Hope you archive your goal for 2006.

At December 31, 2005 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best wishes in making that goal happen! I'm working towards a few of my own goals too along the lines of work.

I hope you have a fun New Years! Do some celebrating!

Happy New Years!

At December 31, 2005 12:24 PM, Blogger Unique Designs from Zazzle said...

sounds good to me, when can i move in. hey, i'll even pitch in for Bear's Banannas. heh heh

Good Fortune to you and your endeavors this year.

At December 31, 2005 4:23 PM, Blogger WendyWings said...

Happy New Year and best wishes in achieving your goals this year Dave :)

At December 31, 2005 5:02 PM, Blogger "Jet" said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

At January 01, 2006 1:50 PM, Blogger The Blogging Boss said...


I just blogged about not making resolutions that never get resolved. Set your sales goals for each month. Prioritize tasks so that you are doing the things that have the biggest impact on the bottom line. You can get there.

Reaching goals has a lot to do with where we put our time.

I hope this time next year you will be blogging about being your own "BOSS" Yeah!


At January 01, 2006 2:26 PM, Blogger WendyWings said...

Dave just had to tell you I TAGGED you for a MEME ( don't hit me I hate them too lol)

At January 03, 2006 4:06 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Hi Dave!
Happy New Year!! One of my resolutions is to do what it takes to bring (at least) one short story to completion and out the door. I have started too many for practice and have lost focus.

I have so many more resolutions but won't bore you with them all ;)

Thx for all your support of my writing as well as being a great "critter."

May you have a prosperous, happy and safe New Year!

Take care and keep enjoying your family-it's so wonderful to see.


At December 12, 2006 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have an outstanding good and well structured site. I enjoyed browsing through it
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